I don't know where to begin...
This week has been an incredible week for learning both socially and academically. In the interest of time, and the fact that it's Friday afternoon, I'm going to list learnings, vocabulary, quotes, and announcements.
-Gentoo, Rockhopper, King, and Little Blue penguins. Ask your kids about the weight, height, colors, egg production, and unique features of these amazing birds, as they've been collecting data and reading non-fiction pieces (highlighting important facts) about each type. Still to come: Chinstrap and Emperor Penguins.
-Making text to self and text to text connections with fictional texts and learning that our connections, combined with our schema, helps us to better understand (comprehend) what we're reading. A pretty big idea.
-How to work in small groups.
-Vowel diagraphs and the sounds of /ee/ and /ea/. Think Eats bread and steak.
-Looking for word parts to decode (chunking)
-They seem to love learning about punctuation! Namely, periods, exclamation points, question marks, and quotation marks.
-Re-reading their work and checking their spelling.
-Just how powerful using humor, your brain, and ignoring someone who may not be treating you nicely, can be.
-The difference between tattling and warning, NOW problems, and NOT NOW problems, and being a problem solver.
-fledge (fledgling)
-limerick (great for Valentine's Day)
-pokey (prison)
Many of these words are from Matilda and our penguin study.
During our pointillism study today, Sam asked the kids to imagine themselves in the future - twenty years from now. After discussing where/how they saw themselves, they were sent off to sketch a picture of themselves doing just what they imagined. The following is a list of what some your nippers will be doing twenty years from now:
Alahna: a dentist
Sienna: a shoe maker
Ethan: a zoologist
Idalee: a teacher, mother, singer
Tre: an explorer
Sophie: in a rock band
Leo: playing the drums
Emily: a piano playing solo singer
Alexander and Samuel: power rangers
Maxine: a mermaid
Quote: After going over to Alahna and asking her to tell me about her picture, she explained, "When I grow up and turn seventeen, I'm going to be a dentist and have very shiny teeth." Her picture is priceless
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