Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November Happenings and Quotes

Halloween Night!  Clearly, I have issues...

Taydence loses a tooth!

Seth explores odd and even number concepts.

Happy Birthday, Samuel!

Sophie gets creative with geometry concepts and patterns.

Dylan created a "person" with his geo boards.

Samuel and Ethan read aloud at our All School Assembly.

We created a poster that shows what our C.A.R.E.S concepts we are practicing.

Samuel, Tre, and Alexander sort and group frogs.

They offered the following explanations when asked about how they grouped their frogs:

"By mothers and babies"
"The dads are the ones that have don't have babies"
"Maybe some have been adopted"

"The God of the Sun" - Ethan and Maxine

" I figured out six ways to make 8" 

"I found seven ways to make 10"

"There are a couple of patterns is this one"

Dave Keller spent some time reading our class book ("Charlotte's Web") to the class.  The kids love it when family comes in to read.  All are welcome. 

Dylan brings his mom in for a "share".  He chose  "Where the Sidewalk Ends" , selected a few of his favorite poems , and had her share them with us.  

Pajama Day!

We ended our day with "Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving" - a classic.  A perfect end to a great day.

I visited Halle at her school.  We had dinner in Northampton with her friends.  Due to a hotel reservation mix up, I got to spend the night in a dorm.  According to Hal, it was "the nicest one in the school".  I'm thinking she meant it was the cleanest.

This is her roommate jumping at an event (Hunter/Jumper).
Sadly, Halle dislocated her shoulder (again) during basketball practice and won't be able to ride or play ball for a while.  Luckily, she doesn't need surgery!  Just lots of intensive physical therapy.

This morning we did a "thankful greeting".  Kids had to turn to their partner, say good morning and something they're thankful to that  person for.  Some quotes:  "I am thankful that..."
-you are sillly
-you are in our class
-you love science and you're my friend
-for being nice, artistic, and my friend
-you are really brave
-play tag with me
-you are smart

Lastly, we ended our short week sharing with each other what we've learned as readers and writers during our Daily 5 and FIT.  

-I can read longer books- Ethan
-I can read really well- Idalee
-I'll be a great reader when I grow up - Taydence
-I can read chapter books- Emily and Sienna
-We can write about anything- Maxine
-I write so well it just about makes my brain pop - Trevon
-You can't judge a book by it's cover- Sophie

They slay me...

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