Sunday, September 30, 2012

Bug Celebration

Thanks to a pretty great group of parents, who were admonished NOT TO GO TO SHAWS! -they were able to get home from a standing-room-only, fun filled (if I don't say so myself) Parent Information Night, put the babes down, and manage to remember food requests for our Bug Day Celebration the following morning.

My favorite: the carrot shavings used for probosces.


"Holy Moly!"

"I used almonds as the mandibles."

"I made an angry hornet."
"...that angry hornet was delicious!"

"Mine has a really long proboscis!"

This guy not only got his wings to stand (peanut butter), but he also managed to get every part of a bug's body onto a cracker!  He was quite proud.

"I made a pregnant bug."

This little gal got up to share her creation and before any words escaped, she popped it into her mouth!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

UES Information Night

 Thursday, September 20th, 6:00 – 7:30 PM   
Note: This is for parents of students in grades 1-5 only. Kindergarten is not involved.
6:00-6:30 Welcome Address by Principal Owen Bradley in the Union Elementary School auditorium.

6:30-7:30 Curriculum and Expectations Overview by teachers in your child’s classroom.  
During this hour you will be provided with an overview by your child’s teacher of what students are learning this year and how you can support their success. To maximize the success of this hour, we ask that try your best to find childcare coverage so you can fully focus on the evening’s event. On limited basis, childcare will be made available. 
Donations to the childcare providers are encouraged!

During our closing circle, I asked the children to think about the best part of their day.  I gave them a few minutes to think quietly.  We go round robin.  We get to xxxx.  He asks tentatively, "Does it have to be at school?"   "No," says I.  Relieved, he shares that the best part of his day was when his " brought  my favorite dog to my  bed  this morning."

They slay me.

Friday, September 14, 2012

We're Up!

So here's what we've been doing...

Mr. Bradley and Little Brother help add some new life and energy to our first All School Assembly of this year.

He brought his trainer and her little friend "Pepperoni."  I must have a "Pepperoni."

Screech came to visit us.  Kids were thrilled.

Working together with pattern blocks during our Math Workplace time.

Yeah, we're doing lots of bug stuff.  These are some models the entomologists created with clay.  Check out those body parts!

My little one armed friend created this gem, single handedly  ;P

In short, we're having a great time, learning a lot about ourselves and each other, and establishing routines and rhythm to our day.  They continue to teach me how to facilitate their learning by trusting them to take a concept and explore.  It's a beautiful thing.

Lastly, kids are dropping like flies (bug pun).  Congestion, fevers, all kinds of mucous, coughing, stuffy noses, and weirdly, nausea and vomiting.  Ew.  Keep 'em home if they're sick.  Lots of clear fluids, salt water gargling, vitamin C, chicken soup, garlic, and rest rest rest!

Enjoy the weekend~


Friday, September 7, 2012


Stay tuned for more pictures, fridge notes, classroom shenanigans and learnings...