Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Summer Solstice! Check Out the Chicks!

Chick News!
Just hit "play".
Camera: Tucker Robinson
Last Scene: My camera man/boy can be heard referencing a filming technique called, "lens flair"-???

Chick Update...

Chick Update!

I'm happy to report that the chicks are happily settled in their new home.  They are out scratching in the dirt looking for nice fat bugs all day and closed in for safe keeping at night.  They are also getting very big and getting along nicely.  No dominant behavior...yet.

Baby Edna and our cats, Willa & Sam seem to enjoy the newest members of our family, watching them curiously from afar.  Lastly, still not able to tell which one(s) may be a rooster or a hen.  I'll keep you posted...

Watch for video updates...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Your Children Are Amazing!

On our last day of kindergarten, our "no hands" policy was lifted so that we could say goodbye with a hug.  During our morning meeting, we all took turns gently hugging one another.  Trevon happened to  be out of the room.  When he came back in, the children, without a thought, went over to him and gave him a collective hug.  Look at the joy on their faces!

I truly meant and still believe that I have the best class.  Your children are kind beyond measure and know what it means to take care of each other.  

Thank you ...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Bear

On Monday, I shared a story with your children about a bear in my neighborhood, who's has had many unannounced visits in our yards, on our porches, and our decks.

My neighbor, Susan O'Regan was lucky enough to be home and have a handy Flip camera close by. My other neighbor wasn't as fortunate, but did report seeing a bear two days later on her back deck.  He then lumbered around the house to the front porch...

Take down those bird feeders and see for yourself...


For those of you who technologically challenged (and that's ok), just copy and paste the aforementioned link onto your URL bar (I may sound like I know what I'm talking about, but those are my son's words-verbatim).

I'll be sharing this with the kinders tomorrow...

Chick on the Loose

...So I'm in my classroom this evening, after a nightmarish dental appointment (you're all much younger than I am- take good care of those chompers!  It seems that the onset of "middle years" brings on an onslaught oral maladies you never thought possible!)  

Anyhoo, I'm sitting at my tiny desk entering data, when I heard lots of loud chirping.  Engrossed in my work, I ignored it. 

SUDDENLY, I notice movement from the corner of my eye, and VOILA!

(I'll be showing this to the kids tomorrow).

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Marble Jar Celebration

They did it again!  The marble jar has been filled with multiple acts of kindness, good deeds, great listening, wonderful direction following, and a great displays of community.  Your children are amazing.  I'm awed by how much they've grown individually and collectively.  That said, it's time for a celebration.  After a shared discussion about how we should celebrate, we voted.  The Pajama Ice Cream Party suggestion won all fifteen votes! 

We'll be celebrating on Friday, June 10th. Please be sure your child rolls right out of bed and onto the bus or into the car ! If you'd like to make a donation of bowls, spoons, or toppings please let me know.  (I'll take care of the ice cream).

Catching Up

Thanks to Kim, here are some photos from our second to the last Nature Adventure Outing.

We walked to Hubbard and rediscovered our "sit spots".  It was a little challenging, as the last time we were there, there was snow on the ground.  Once we found them, we measured their circumference with string and came back to school to talk about the size of our trees, glue our string on to paper, and write about how our sit spots had changed in the last weeks.


Parent Volunteers Needed!

Snack Fairy Volunteers Needed for Next Year!
Sign up for this wonderful opportunity to meet parents, be a part of the school community, and have fun.
The little ones can join the fun, complete with their own fairy wings!
Oh, and the hours are perfect...

(see/email Theresa Murray-Clausen for details)

The Dramatic Arrival of our Chicks!

Friday, May 27th was the twenty-first day of incubation for our chicks.  We all went home on Thursday excited about watching the culmination of all of our love, nurturing, care, and learning during the day on Friday.  Oh what plans we had!  We were going to write, observe, draw, talk, share, and marvel at the wonder of nature.

However, Mother Nature had different plans...  As you know, we were hit with rains not seen since 1927.  I awoke on Friday to find that EVERYTHING was closed or cancelled.  I immediately pulled on my muck boots and headed down to my classroom to check on the chicks. When I arrived at 7:00 a.m,  only one had started pipping.  I decided to bundle them in a carton, swaddle them in blankets, and take them home. Once here, they were placed back into the incubator high and dry (I wish the same could be said for my basement).

At 10:45 p.m., after thousands of "pips", our first chick hatched!  I caught some of it on video.  I'm going to try to post it now.  The children have seen this already, but I thought it might be nice to share with families.

Please note that I tried to edit the sound, as my teenage daughter and her teenage best friend were watching with me and let's just say, they didn't think it was miraculous as I did.  In fact, there was a lot of "ewwwwwww"-ing.  Lastly, my dog, Naughty Baby Edna, can be heard, ummmm...vocalizing (the children thought this was "howlingly" funny).

Feel free to turn the volume down and enjoy-

Prepare!  Edna let's out a piercing bark in this one...